"The Great and Powerful Oz has Spoken"
rip van winkle
JoinedPosts by rip van winkle
by steve2 insugested lead article title:.
f*@k we were wrong!
now is the hour to go to sleep.
Are some better off not knowing the truth of the truth?
by EndofMysteries ini hate my situation.
a very close relative is remarried to a man who before becoming a jw was a shady character.
he has said if he wasn't a jw, he'd have guns and stuff, always worried about things.
rip van winkle
I know a Sister close to 80 y.o. and she has devoted her life to being a JW. She even DA from one of her children when they left in 1980.
When I was coming out of my WTS induced coma, I spoke to her and asked her a question regarding blood fractions to start her to think.
It completely frazzled her to even consider thinking beyond what she has been indoctrinated with for almost 50 years.
I am not going to tell her anything unless she asks. I don't want to hurt her.
rip van winkle
Enjoy your break-
But, hurry up back
For goodness sake!!!!
"8 Ways To Give Us Your Cash" - the desperation in the latest Watchtower is tangible!
by cedars ini know gayle has already started a thread on the latest november 15th watchtower article that mentions the article on donations, but i thought a thread with a more specific title might be in order just to drive the point home for any lurkers.
i hope gayle doesn't mind!.
i've been banging the drum for a while now about what i view as the obvious signs that the watchtower is in a state of decline.. i have written the following blog articles on the subject.... http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/branch-closures-and-fire-sales-a-growing-trend-for-the-society.
rip van winkle
You're feelings on this matter are... right Why, thanks Theo! See how easily I can change the meaning of your sentence by eliminating key words to suit my position- not unlike the NWT Bible.
If you want to continue to believe what lies the WTS tell and teach you, that's up to you. I don't care what other people choose to believe. But I don't like to be lied to or mislead.
So,why are you here, Theo? You will never be able to defend the actions of an organization that has harmed and destroyed so many lives. If you are a baptized JW (and I don't thinkyou are) then viewing this "apostate" site would be wrong according to your own beliefs. What does that say about you?
Got Doubts? Or are you just bored and this amuses you? In any event-
their purpose is not to build hospitals, or shelters, or soup kitches. Really? Did Jesus ever turn a blind eye to those who were hungry or sick?
their primary focus is the spiritual support - but they are not asking for spiritual support . They are asking for money, stocks, bonds, jewelry and other posessions. They need more money for what? To maintain a priveleged lifestyle. Those GB members are living and planning for their future -not mine or yours.
they're the only organization on this planet feeding ones spiritually, No they are not .
But, what they do feed to all those thirsting is............POISON. They betray Jesus words:
"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.Whoever believed in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him"-John 7:37,38
Sorry, Theo, I don't see anywhere in the Bible where the GoverningBody is mentioned as provideding life's water.
All the lies the WTS provides is akin to a thirsty man who is given a glass of POISON with only a sprinkling of water to quench his thirst ,while telling him he is drinking life's water free. He drinks the poison. His thirst is quenched. Then he dies. Sums it all up.
Well Theo, Millions who will never die are already dead. The WTS lies and false prophecies have and continues to cost people their lives, families, friendships, marriages, their children., their livelihoods, their health, their homes, their money and their hopes and dreams, etc. all to keep a publishing company in business for 130 years. And now that their book- selling days have been numbered for some time, they have devised other means to shake-down the R&F ( see the ex. of the Menlo Park Congregation)
Oh, don't forget to tell the elders you have been very naughty by not only reading , but by participating in an "apostate" discussion site. TSK! TSK! Theo.
"8 Ways To Give Us Your Cash" - the desperation in the latest Watchtower is tangible!
by cedars ini know gayle has already started a thread on the latest november 15th watchtower article that mentions the article on donations, but i thought a thread with a more specific title might be in order just to drive the point home for any lurkers.
i hope gayle doesn't mind!.
i've been banging the drum for a while now about what i view as the obvious signs that the watchtower is in a state of decline.. i have written the following blog articles on the subject.... http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/branch-closures-and-fire-sales-a-growing-trend-for-the-society.
rip van winkle
Theo Sed- the article is fine if they did any Charitable Works and if the WTS was not just a non-taxable religious front for a publishing and real estate empire.
They are not a charity. They do nothing for others in any community they live in. They look after their own interests. Period!
"8 Ways To Give Us Your Cash" - the desperation in the latest Watchtower is tangible!
by cedars ini know gayle has already started a thread on the latest november 15th watchtower article that mentions the article on donations, but i thought a thread with a more specific title might be in order just to drive the point home for any lurkers.
i hope gayle doesn't mind!.
i've been banging the drum for a while now about what i view as the obvious signs that the watchtower is in a state of decline.. i have written the following blog articles on the subject.... http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/branch-closures-and-fire-sales-a-growing-trend-for-the-society.
rip van winkle
The Brochure was published in 2000. I had already named them as beneficiary on a retirement account. My mom ,while alive, was always my beneficiary on everything excluding the IRA. But if I had prepared a Will after she passed, the WTS would have been named as my beneficiary. So glad I didn't. And their name has been removed from my IRA.
But I could never understand how a parent would not choose their children as a beneficiary over the WTS UNLESS they or their children went "apostate" .
And then I read K Sol's thought on young baptisms and disfellowshipping-
you wonder if it's not a calculated long-range financial planning strategy on the part of the WTBTS where disinheriting reasonably follows.. Dastardly
Dastardly,Indeed!!!!!!! They are a calculating org.
"In other news, Brother _______________ is no longer a...
by OneDayillBeFree inregular pioneer!.
officially announced!
i'm very happy!
rip van winkle
Hey ODIBF- So glad for you! You did great!!!
The title of this forum should be changed to Judas' Witnesses.net to accurately reflect it's makeup.
by Theocratic Sedition ini've been browsing here for some time now and i've read the erroneous arguments supporting 587, the petty feelings over the un, blah blah blah.
this is a community of disgruntled people telling each other what they want to hear.
you've all essentially created your own truth, tickling your own ears.
rip van winkle
The way to get a fire going is to fan the flames!!! LOL
Guess he's not coming back.
rip van winkle
I have heard that there are more stars in the Universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches in the world.
Here is where the stars are likened to the grains of sand-
Gen 22:17 " I shall bless you abundantly and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky or the grains of sand on the seashore"
rip van winkle
Hi Don- Yes. In Isaiah 40:26 - "Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also bring vigorous in power, not one of them is missing."
Compare scripture is Psalms 147:4 - "He is counting the number of the stars; All of them he calls by [their] names."